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Bits of Wisdom :-) Lightworker's Log

This book is lovingly dedicated to seekers of the True Self, the only truth within this game of life.

Bits of Wisdom

At some point in time, something within us persistently declares there’s more to life than what we detect with the usual senses. Emmanuel says there’s a cellular memory of being beyond physical manifestation in the perfection of Oneness. That formless consciousness is part of All That Is, or whatever you care to name It. It has no name, no boundaries, and no form. It is unerringly perfect and unchangeable.


Humanity entered into separation from All That Is forgetting the essence of our True Self upon crossing the threshold of physicality. As humans, and as souls, we put too many layers between All That Is and ourselves. In Truth, there is no separation and our inner calling is to end this illusion.


Edgar Cayce said, even though we take on various forms in different dimensions, we are “as light, a ray that does not end, lives on and on, until it becomes one in essence with the source of light.” Based on the teachings of Michael, we are fragments, individual parts of total consciousness, striving to know more about itself through the game of separation. As fragments, we joined to form entities of about 1,000 fragments who share their consciousness and experiences.


Ego rose from the perceived separation and feeds on our continuing belief in disunity. A great disservice to humanity occurred when ego invented words. They became a way to communicate for the density of form became too much. Words promote separation for they came into being with thought, which came after the perceived separation from All That Is. Thought is the movement of ego, independent of All That Is.

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Evolving Humanity

The time to recognize that we are spirits in human form, having a physical experience is here. Words are unimportant layers of fake reality but now we can use them to awaken and realize this is an illusion of our own making. Words coupled with our sixth sense leads the way out of the illusion.


Everything is energy. Gregg Braden reports in his bestseller, The Divine Matrix, our world may be a projection of events happening in an underlying reality, a reality we change with the energy of thought. Things intuitively sensed and seen related to the future may alter due to positive thoughts and deeds. Thoughts even transform the possibilities of deeper realms into physical reality.


Time is not linear. The basic teachings of Michael note billions of parallel universes, co-existing in the same space, but in different space/time fields than ours. We are living many lives, human and non-human, simultaneously, in other realities parallel to this one. A new parallel universe spins off, assuring all possibilities of each personality play out, every time we make a major decision. Our souls work through these many layers of reality at the same time affecting others lives as well as our own.


Our true nature is Love, pure unadulterated, unconditional Love but ego gets in the way of recognizing this. Other planes of consciousness love and protect humanity. Acknowledging the awareness of these realities brings us closer to the truth. Ultimately, all is one, all is here, and all is now.


Walter Starcke, author of It’s All God, reminds us to be grateful for this state of being. “Thank God,” he notes, “that this world is a parallel universe to which we can return not only for a refresher course when we need it, but also where we can rejoin our human/spiritual friends for a class reunion and share our experience with those who are still bewildered.”


Everything is part of the Greater Plan. The old world is quickly collapsing as more and more people no longer believe in the old “story.” Conscious evolution, being aware of our role as co-creators with the process of evolution, is spreading quickly throughout the globe. In her groundbreaking book Conscious Evolution, Barbara Marx Hubbard explains a strategy that changed the doomsday approach to one of a positive nurturing shift of consciousness.


Millions of people now realize they have a role to play as nurturing co-creators for a better world. Many groups work all over the world to make this a more nurturing place to exist. World-changing harmonious events are a joy to participate in as people from all over the globe bring forth All That Is from within to evolve the world to a state of unconditional love. Get-togethers create positive, loving, energy filled opportunities to nurture humanity, our atmosphere and beyond. Although each group has their own way of reaching out, their collective power assures our goal of evolving humanity, consciously, and ethically.


Good Vibrations

Space Weather News reports ( verify something I have suspected for years. We do feel the effects of solar eruptions. During the early hours of August 1, 2010, NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded a complex global disturbance on the Earth-facing side of the sun. Most of the sun’s northern hemisphere was involved in the event, which included a long-duration C3-class solar flare, a “solar tsunami,” and a massive filament eruption. As a result of these blasts, a coronal mass ejection (CME) headed toward Earth. Another solar eruption on August 7 affected Earth as well as evidenced by data from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO).


Synchronicity prevails and what occurred to me late on August 7 verifies that solar events affect us much more and sooner than suspected. I’ve experienced similar things after solar eruptions but never thought to synchronize the solar events with the experience. Before I relate this experience let me just note that I am not a Star Trek fan nor is it my practice to seek help from what some refer to as “aliens.”

Sometime during the evening of August 7, 2010 I was awake and aware, lying in bed with closed eyes while being with two beings. One said something to the other about preparing me to receive more energy, to prepare two points so I could accept more energy. Sensing they were my third eye and crown chakra, I immediately thought, “Well let me position my body first.”


I was lying on my back, with a pillow under my thighs, and was going to adjust the pillow to become more comfortable. My arms were at my sides. All of the sudden my body seemed paralyzed. I couldn’t move no matter how much I tried. My entire body began to lift off the bed while I thought I was going to fly around the room! It levitated and hovered about two inches off the bed and then shook from head to toes like it was plugged into a light socket. My entire body intensely vibrated for several seconds. At one point, I became aware of a triangle-shaped light in my third eye for a few fleeting seconds before my body stopped vibrating and returned to rest on the bed. The entire event lasted for probably less than a minute.


Throughout the entire event, I was enormously thankful knowing that my body was receiving more Light, more of the Light of what we are because we are really literally Light. We just came here to play a game and now it’s time to return back to Oneness. It’s time to return back to Light. This time, we’re doing it while still in the human body. And I am so grateful to be one of the illusionary souls that volunteered to show the others that it could be done.